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 Help out a friend and get free web help for yourself If you found our class useful and know a friend or business owner that might benefit from learning to manage their own website, we’d love to give you a referral gift of free website help. For every person that you refer who registers for […]

 Help out a friend and get free web help for yourself

If you found our class useful and know a friend or business owner that might benefit from learning to manage their own website, we’d love to give you a referral gift of free website help. For every person that you refer who registers for our class, we’ll give you one hour of credit. That’s a $99 value.

    Your Name*

    Your Email*

    Your Friend's Name*

    Your Friend's Email*

    Message to your friend:

    Hi! I thought you might like to know that there is a WordPress Web Design Workshop happening soon. The workshop provides all the tools needed to understand the secrets behind websites, to create a plan to build for success, to install a theme, and to start building your own site. It's two full days with breakfast & lunch both days, materials, & one hour of one-on-one support after the course (a $99 value). You can find out more about the class dates and curriculum at or call Out of a Jam with any questions at 745-2015.

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